Information for All Patients

As a user of our services at Kettering General Hospital, either as an inpatient or day case (in a hospital ward) or an outpatient (coming to one of our clinics for a consultation or treatment), you may find the following information useful.

Consent and Decision Making

‘Consent’ is a patient’s agreement for a health professional to provide care. You may consent verbally or non-verbally (for example by presenting your arm to have your pulse or blood pressure taken or in writing by signing a document).
Where someone maybe unable to consent or make a decision about their treatment then an assessment of their ability to make decisions will be undertaken by the relevant health care professional – this is called a mental capacity assessment. (The relevant healthcare professional may be the doctor or nurse in charge of your care).

Are you the carer of a patient who lives with dementia, anxiety, confusion & other complex needs?

Johns Campaign

We are working with carers to give them the opportunity to visit patient's outside our regular visiting hours. This is part of the national ‘John’s Campaign’, that recognises the important role of family members in the care of their loved ones whilst in hospital.

The campaign ensures that the carer of a patient who lives with dementia, anxiety, confusion and other complex needs is allowed to come into hospital to continue to provide the care for the patient and isn’t restricted by visiting hours. 

The benefits includes:

  • Maintaining familiarity

  • Reducing anxiety and distress

  • Allows for flexible and open visiting

The key focus behind John’s Campaign is a safe and open visiting culture, supporting care access to the hospital outside normal visiting hours. This will enable family members and carers to be with the person when they may be stressed, anxious, upset or lonely. The carer will then be on-hand to help with care needs, decision making and advocacy.

There should be one named carer per patient. If you would like to be a named carer, please speak with a member the ward team on which your loved one is a patient. They will be able to let you know how to get involved, including how to register.

Patient Information Leaflets

Our patient information leaflets are to be used as support information purposes only and not as alternative advice from an health professional.  See our patient Information Leaflets

Printable KGH Maps and guides to access to the hospital from partners AccessAble

For a printable version of maps including, a road map helping you to find your way to Kettering General Hospital (KGH). Ward and department locator maps within KGH.

Medical Record

Whilst you are a patient of Kettering General Hospital we will maintain a record of your care and treatment and these notes form part of your hospital medical record.
Any information relating to your health is strictly confidential. Staff that have access to medical records are contractually obliged to maintain confidentiality.

Accessing medical records

Accessing your medical recordIf you wish to access Medical Records you can request them online.
If you are unable to request medical records online, please contact the Data Protection Office.
Telephone: 01536 492412 or 01536 491526

Copy of notes charge

There is normally no charge for access to health records, with the exception of requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive.

Viewing your notes

If you wish to view your notes you need to follow the same procedure of requesting notes, completing and returning the Data Protection form, stating that you wish to view the notes. An appointment will then be arranged with the Data Protection Office for the viewing of the notes. This service is provided free of charge.

Deceased persons' notes

If copy notes are being requested on a person who is deceased, the above processes still apply. Please contact the Data Protection office who will answer any questions you may have.


Research has a vital role to play in the development of healthcare and health service delivery. Clinical trials can help healthcare professionals improve how we treat diseases and conditions to benefit patients now and in the future .
Whilst a patient of KGH, you may be asked if you would like to take part in research or a clinical trial, this is completely voluntary; the trial will be discussed at length with you by one of our dedicated and highly trained Research Team. 
For further information about research at Kettering General Hospital please visit our Research and Development Service page.  For more information about research in healthcare generally, please visit the NHS Health Research Authority website. 

Overseas Visitors

The NHS provides free hospital treatment for people who are “Ordinarily Resident” in the UK. (Ordinarily resident is defined as “living lawfully (not as a visitor) in the United Kingdom voluntarily and for settled purposes as part of the regular order of their life for the time being, with an identifiable purpose for their residence here that has sufficient degree to be properly described as “settled”.
People who do not normally live in this country are not automatically entitled to use the NHS free of charge – regardless of their nationality or whether they hold a British passport or have lived and paid national insurance contributions in this country in the past. This includes British Citizens who are no longer resident in the UK.
Some NHS services are free to everyone regardless of the status of the patient:
  • Accident & Emergency treatment is free to all until the patient is admitted as an inpatient or given an outpatient appointment
  • Family Planning Services are free to all (this does not include termination of pregnancy)
  • Certain infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases and treatment of HIV is free to all
  • Treatment given to people detained under the provisions of the Mental Health Act 1983.
The Overseas Visitors Hospital Charging Regulations 2015 (as amended) place a Legal Obligation on NHS Trusts in England to establish whether a person is an Overseas Visitor to whom charges apply or whether they are exempt by virtue of the charging regulations.
If you believe you are an overseas visitor, please notify the reception desk of the department you are visiting. If you have any queries as to whether you are classified as an overseas visitor, please email

Mobile phones, tablets, portable personal electrical equipment and WiFi

Many patients like to bring with them their mobile phone, tablet or other portable electrical equipment to either keep in touch with friends and family or for personal entertainment – particularly as not all ward areas have access to television or bedside telephones.
The hospital cannot take responsibility for loss or damage of personal electronic equipment.
Patients and their visitors can access Public KGH Wi-Fi while at the hospital. This will enable people to connect their laptops, tablets and smartphones to our Wi-Fi network. 
Please do not use your mobile phone to take photographs of staff or other patients during your stay – this is an infringement of other people’s privacy and could result in action being taken against you by the individual(s) concerned.

Translation services

If your first language is not English and you have communication difficulties the Trust has access to a 24 hour translation service. Please make hospital staff aware of your needs.

Spiritual and Pastoral Care (Chaplaincy) Service

The Spiritual & Pastoral Care Service (sometimes known as Chaplaincy) seeks to nurture and promote wellbeing, wholeness and recovery through spiritual, pastoral and religious conversations about of hope, meaning and purpose.
The Chaplains are here to be a listening ear and a helping hand for you, your family and friends during your stay in hospital. Chaplains are members of hospital staff trained to provide religious, spiritual and pastoral care to all our patients, visitors and staff. 
The Chaplains regularly visit the wards and are always happy to see patients or visitors.  They are available to listen and provide practical help and support. Outside of normal working hours we provide a 24/7 on-call service.  If you ask the nursing staff they can always contact us.  

Working alongside the Chaplains are Chaplaincy Volunteers who visit the wards during the week and  on Sundays . Our service is also supported by Roman Catholic Priests and Volunteers from St Edward’s Church in Kettering and neighbouring churches.

We also have a Multi-Faith Advisory Group, comprised of local people from different faiths and beliefs  (including Bahá’í, Buddhist, Hindu, SiKh, Jewish, Muslim and Humanist) who are able to visit in the hospital and minister as requested.
The Multi-Faith Chapel, near to the Main Reception, is always open and provides a quiet retreat in the midst of a busy hospital. It is a place for prayer and quiet reflection for people of all faiths and beliefs. A Multi-Faith Prayer Room (with washing facilities alongside), is also available in the main hospital behind the Treatment Centre.

If you would like a Chaplain or a member of the Multi-Faith group to visit, please call us on: 01536 492609, or email or ask a member of staff to contact us on your behalf.

Spiritual and Pastoral Care (Chaplaincy)

The Spiritual & Pastoral Care Service seeks to transform lives by nurturing and promoting wellbeing, wholeness and recovery through spiritual and religious outcomes of hope meaning and purpose.
The Chaplains are here to be a listening ear and a helping hand for you, your family and friends during your stay in hospital. Chaplains are members of hospital staff trained to provide religious, spiritual and pastoral care to all our patients, visitors and staff. 
The Chaplains regularly visit the wards and are always happy to see patients or visitors.  They are available to listen and provide practical help and support. Outside of normal working hours we provide a 24/7 on-call service.  If you ask the nursing staff they can always contact us.  

Working alongside the Chaplains are Chaplaincy Volunteers who visit the wards during the week and at weekends. 

We also have a Multi-Faith group, comprised of local people from different faiths (including Bahá’í, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim) who are able to visit in the hospital and minister as requested.
The Multi-Faith Chapel, near to the Main Reception, is always open and provides a quiet retreat in the midst of a busy hospital. It is a place for prayer and quiet reflection for people of all faiths and beliefs. A Multi-Faith Prayer Room (with washing facilities alongside), is also available in the main hospital.

If you would like a Chaplain or a member of the Multi-Faith group to visit, please call us on: 01536 492609, email or ask a member of staff to contact us on your behalf.

Preparing to leave hospital

Once you no longer need care in hospital, as decided by the health team looking after you, you will be discharged. It is always our priority to discharge people to a safe and appropriate place.

Privacy Notice

How we manage your data

The data protection law is changing. As an organisation that holds data about you, Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KGH) is taking extra steps to ensure that we fully comply with the requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This is a summary of the information that you will need to know about how we will use, manage and safeguard your data under GDPR.

Our commitment to you

We make the following commitments about the data we keep about you and the way that we protect it. We will:
  • Keep the right information to provide services and fulfil our legal responsibilities to you
  • Keep your records safe, secure and accurate
  • Only keep your information as long as necessary
  • Collect, store and use the information you provide to the data protection standards and the laws that govern data protection
  • Comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires that the way we manage your personal data is fair, lawful and transparent.

Why we need your data

If we don’t have up to date and accurate information about you, it may affect the quality of treatment and care that we are able to provide to you. 

We hold information about you in order to be able to:
  • Confirm who you are when we contact you, or when you contact us
  • Provide the treatment and care that you need
  • Make decisions about your future treatment and care
  • Make sure your care is safe and effective
  • Check the quality of your care
  • Help investigate concerns or complaints that you or your family may have.
  • We may also ask you to volunteer to take part in health research and, if you do want to take part, we will ask for your agreement to use your data for this research.
We may also use your data, or part of it, for other reasons:
  • Receive funding and keep track of spending
  • Teach and train our staff
  • Manage and plan our services
  • Help investigate concerns or complaints that you or your family may have.

Sharing your data

We do not share your data with commercial companies or third parties (except where third parties provide services under strict contracts, which support your care and treatment).
We do share your data with:
  • NHS organisations who also provide your treatment and care – for example another hospital
  • Health and care professionals who provide care to you outside of hospital – for example GPs or midwives
  • NHS services which work as a network, caring for patients from a wider geographic area – for example radiology 
We may also share your data with other public services that may be providing support or part of the treatment and care you need. This may include:
  • Social Care services
  • Education services
  • Other local authority departments and services
  • Voluntary and private sector providers working under contract to the NHS
Where we do share your data, there are agreements in place to safeguard your information. 

Your rights

You have certain legal rights, including a right to have your information processed fairly and lawfully and a right to access any identifiable information we hold about you. 
You have the right to privacy and to expect Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KGH) to keep your information confidential and secure. 
You also have a right to request that your confidential information is not used beyond your own care and treatment and to have your objections considered. 
If you want to know more...    
If you have any concerns about how we keep and manage your personal information, please discuss this with a member of the team providing your care at KGH.

Giving Us Your Feedback

We would like to hear what you think

Listening to our patients, carers and relatives helps us improve the services we provide. We are here to listen, so we can learn from your experience. It is also beneficial when we receive feedback when things have gone well, so that we can build on good practice and continue to make improvements.
We understand that raising a concern can be difficult, especially when you don't know who to turn to. If you are unhappy about the treatment that you or somebody you care for is receiving, it may help talking to somebody directly involved. This might be a nurse, ward manager or doctor who will make every attempt to resolve your concerns.
If you're unable to discuss your concerns with a member of staff, or want to discuss them with someone in confidence away from the service, you can contact Patient Advisory and Liaison Service (PALS).  PALS is a free and confidential service for people who would like information about, or to comment on, any aspect of the services provided by Kettering General Hospital.
To contact PALS please telephone 01536 493305/ 493306 or email
If you have been pleased by the care that you have received, please do take the time to let our staff know – it gives us all a real boost and a thank you goes a long way. You can leave comments about the care you have received on the NHS Choices website or complete our Friends and Family Questionnaire.