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Title | Description |
24 Hour Urine Collection Protocol for 5-HIAA and Metanephrines | The measurement of Metanephrines (Catecholamines) and/or 5HIAA in urine. |
3rd and 4th degree vaginal tears | 3rd and 4th degree vaginal tears |
Abdominal Ultrasound | An ultrasound scan uses high frequency sound waves to create a picture of the inside of the body. The sound waves are transmitted through the body from an ultrasound probe and pictures are produced and displayed on a monitor. |
About ibuprofen for children | Ibuprofen is a common painkiller for children. It's often used to treat symptoms of conditions such as colds, flu and coronavirus (COVID-19), teething, toothache, headaches, sore throat and pain from ear infections. |
About paracetamol for children | Paracetamol is a common painkiller for children. It's often used to treat headaches, stomach ache, earache, and cold symptoms. It can also be used to bring down a high temperature (fever). |
ACL | ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament |
Active cycle of breathing techniques | 0383 breathing techniques |
Advice following Cold Coagulation Treatment of the Cervix | Advice following Cold Coagulation Treatment of the Cervix |
Advice following Cryocautery to the Cervix | A Cryocautery may be done for several reasons including persistent heavy vaginal discharge, inflammation of the cervix, erosion of the cervix or abnormal smears. |
Advice following oral surgery under local anaesthetic new one | Oral surgery |