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24 Hour Urine Collection Protocol for 5-HIAA and Metanephrines The measurement of Metanephrines (Catecholamines) and/or 5HIAA in urine.
3rd and 4th degree vaginal tears 3rd and 4th degree vaginal tears
Abdominal Ultrasound An ultrasound scan uses high frequency sound waves to create a picture of the inside of the body. The sound waves are transmitted through the body from an ultrasound probe and pictures are produced and displayed on a monitor.
About ibuprofen for children Ibuprofen is a common painkiller for children. It's often used to treat symptoms of conditions such as colds, flu and coronavirus (COVID-19), teething, toothache, headaches, sore throat and pain from ear infections.
About paracetamol for children Paracetamol is a common painkiller for children. It's often used to treat headaches, stomach ache, earache, and cold symptoms. It can also be used to bring down a high temperature (fever).
ACL ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Active cycle of breathing techniques 0383 breathing techniques
Advice following Cold Coagulation Treatment of the Cervix Advice following Cold Coagulation Treatment of the Cervix
Advice following Cryocautery to the Cervix A Cryocautery may be done for several reasons including persistent heavy vaginal discharge, inflammation of the cervix, erosion of the cervix or abnormal smears.
Advice following oral surgery under local anaesthetic new one Oral surgery
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