Kettering General Hospital provides acute healthcare services for the people of North Northamptonshire and South Leicestershire.
We employ around 5,000 staff and are one of the largest employers in Northamptonshire.
Basic facts and figures
We are a busy Hospital site and see:
255 patients per day in A&E;
Over 360,000 outpatients each year;
About 37,000 inpatients;
About 44,000 day case patients;
Approx 3,200 births
542 beds
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire
Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KGH) is part of University Hospitals of Northamptonshire (UHN) with Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust (NGH).
Both hospitals provide core services such as A&E and maternity services and are collaborating more closely on other clinical and support services with the aim of providing the best care possible for patients. Working together, we are developing innovative approaches to team working in support services such as digital, estates, corporate governance, and human resources. A common approach to transformation and quality improvement also remains a key priority for UHN.
Since forming in 2021 we have achieved University Hospital status, which has improved academic opportunities for staff and access to research and new treatments for patients and continue to scale and create opportunities for key clinical collaborations.
How we are governed
Kettering General Hospital became a Foundation Trust in 2008 and is led by a
Board of Directors comprising a Non-Executive Chairman, Chief Executive, 8 Executive Directors, and 8 Non-Executive Directors.
The Board have agreed our short to medium term
Strategic Objectives for the Trust in conjunction with our staff, governors and patient representatives that support the delivery of our
Our Vision and Values.
How our Services are organised
Our services are grouped into three Divisions; Family Health.Medicine and Surgery.
Each Division is led by a Chief of Service, Divisional Director and Divisional Head of Nursing, this is to ensure that clinical leadership is central to the organisation.
The chart below shows which services are included within each division and key clinical and managerial personnel. We have also included our Corporate Services as a fourth division for completeness.
How we fit into the NHS structure
We are an acute trust. We provide acute care in a hospital setting, including inpatient and outpatient treatment, accident and emergency (A&E) facilities and specialist services.
The Trust is commissioned to provide a wide range of services to the local population. Our local commissioners are
Integrated Care Northamptonshire who commission services for the whole of the County.
The details of the services we are commissioned to provide can be found in at the bottom of this page.
Partnership working
We contract with other NHS and non-NHS organisations to purchase services to support our patients - for example community services to support acute outpatient clinics.
We are also commissioned to deliver specific services to local or national organisations.
Details of the services we purchase from other organisations and those we directly provide to others can be found below.