The Role of our Trust Board
The Role of the Trust Board is to:
Provide leadership
Establish the vision, mission and values of the Trust and set strategy and structures
Shape the culture
Ensure accountability by holding the organisation to account for the achievement of strategy
Oversee the management of the Trust by
Determining monitoring criteria
Establishing effective internal controls
Regularly reviewing effectiveness
The Executive and Non-Executive Directors
There is a general duty upon directors to promote the success of the Trust to maximise the benefits for members of the trust and the public. All members have a collective responsibility for every decision of the board. All directors have a collective responsibility to challenge constructively the information and proposals made to the board.
Non-executive directors have a particular duty to challenge executive directors and scrutinise their performance accordingly.
Executive directors are paid employees – responsible as executives for managing the organisation and as board members (directors) for leadership and direction of the Trust.
Non-executive directors are drawn from outside the organisation and bring to the Trust external expertise. They are paid for their time but are not employees of the Trust. They do not have a managerial role and are particularly responsible for challenging the executive directors in decision making and on the Trust’s strategy.
University Hospitals of Northamptonshire Boards of Directors meetings
The Board meets in public every two months with the Board of Northampton General Hospital in order to demonstrate the trusts’ commitment to advancing collaboration. The dates, times and venues of the meetings will be published on this page, along with recordings from the meetings. The normal start time for meetings is 9.30am. Meetings are open to the public, who are very welcome to attend – please email if you wish to do so, or wish to ask a question before, or at, the meeting.
The Council of Governors is a valued and effective body advising the trust on issues that are important to patients and the wider community. It works with the trust to ensure it provides the best possible service to its patients. The Council of Governors is not responsible for the day-to-day running of the trust but works with the board of directors to produce the trust’s future plans; it ensures that the voice of members and partners are used to inform the trust’s decisions. Its statutory responsibilities are described in the Trust’s constitution.
The Council of Governors also hold the non-executive directors individually and collectively to account.