We are working with carers to give them the opportunity to visit patient's outside our regular visiting hours. This is part of the national ‘John’s Campaign’, that recognises the important role of family members in the care of their loved ones whilst in hospital.
The campaign ensures that the carer of a patient who lives with dementia, anxiety, confusion and other complex needs is allowed to come into hospital to continue to provide the care for the patient and isn’t restricted by visiting hours.
The benefits includes:
The key focus behind John’s Campaign is a safe and open visiting culture, supporting care access to the hospital outside normal visiting hours. This will enable family members and carers to be with the person when they may be stressed, anxious, upset or lonely. The carer will then be on-hand to help with care needs, decision making and advocacy.
There should be one named carer per patient. If you would like to be a named carer, please speak with a member the ward team on which your loved one is a patient. They will be able to let you know how to get involved, including how to register.