Physiotherapist gets new ROSE Award for her kindness | ROSE Award

ROSE Award

Recognising Our Staff Excellence (ROSE) awards aim to celebrate the excellence in care and recognise the outstanding contribution made by our clinical healthcare support workers, allied health professions (AHPs), pharmacists, scientists and other non-nursing or medical clinical registrants.
Click here to submit your Rose Award nomination
Have you received fantastic care or support from one of our many specialist staff in the hospital? Perhaps the Occupational Therapist (OT) in fracture clinic made a difference to your care, a radiographer who put you at ease during a scan or Xray or do you work with one of our colleagues who always makes a difference to patients and has exemplary care values. Perhaps one of our behind-the-scenes teams, our Operating department practitioners (ODP’s) who support you in theatres, a pharmacist who ensures our patients receive the right medications or even our highly specialist pathology scientists who make use their skills in specialist testing to inform a clinical decision. Our healthcare support workers who complement our teams. The assistant practice physio who welcomed you to joint school or the healthcare assistant on the ward who spent time listening to a patient worries or concerns or perhaps the phlebotomist who took your blood today and made you feel relaxed and safe.
Make a difference to one of our specialist staff or to a colleague by showcasing their outstanding contribution to care, by nominating them for a ROSE Award.
To say thank you to a nurse or midwife please nominate them for a Daisy Award.  
These awards provide recognition for colleagues that have gone above and beyond, rewarding excellent care, and demonstrating positive patient experience.
All nominations will be reviewed by the ROSE judging panel on a quarterly basis, and we will look at awarding those who:
•              Model empathy and demonstrate a caring attitude in all situations
•              Demonstrate extraordinary clinical skills in the delivery of compassionate patient care
•              Have a positive attitude and demonstrates professionalism in the work environment
•              Exemplifies the mission, vision, and values of KGH
•              Establishes a special connection with the patients and families
Four winners will be announced each quarter, two registrants and two non-registered.

Physiotherapist gets new ROSE Award for her kindness

A physiotherapist who went out of her way to support, motivate, and encourage a patient, who was scared of falling, has won a Kettering General Hospital ROSE Award.

  KGH held its first ever ROSE Awards on March 21 recognising six staff who have been nominated by patients, families or colleagues for their outstanding kindness and support.

  An additional winner, Radhika Fernandes, could not attend the surprise event so the hospital had a special presentation for her on April 2.

Radhika is a physiotherapist on Barnwell Ward and was nominated by Karen Judge, a staff nurse at Nene Park Outpatients, for the way she supported a patient while assessing her ability to walk . The nomination read:

“The patient was scared of falling and in pain but was encouraged and motivated by Radhika to stand, transfer, and walk using safe techniques.

“Radhika explained everything in ways that the patient could understand and was able to allay the fears of the patient and relatives.

“She displayed exemplary care. She took the time to ensure that all questions were answered and understood. She went out of her way to obtain written information and compression socks for the patient.”

ROSE stands for Recognising Our Staff Excellence (ROSE) and celebrates care delivered by staff where they show empathy, compassion, and dedication, that goes beyond the normal call of duty.

  Staff who can be nominated include clinical healthcare support workers, allied health professions (AHPs), such as therapists, operating department practitioners, and radiographers. The awards also include pharmacists, scientists, and other non-nursing or non-medical clinical registrants.

  KGH Chief Executive Deborah Needham said: “Patients are often anxious and concerned about their care both while in hospital and when they about to go home.

  “Radhika clearly went the extra mile to support her patient and make sure they, and their relatives, were able to understand what was happening and feel more confident.

  “Attention to detail, compassion, empathy, and a caring attitude, are what we celebrate with our ROSE Awards and that is exactly what Radhika has demonstrated.”

  Anyone can nominate KGH staff members for an award – which are in addition to our existing DAISY Awards  which recognise nurses and midwives.

  To make a nomination go to:

  All nominations will be reviewed by the ROSE judging panel on a quarterly basis, and we will look at awarding those who:

 Model empathy and demonstrate a caring attitude in all situations

  • Demonstrate extraordinary clinical skills in the delivery of compassionate patient care
  • Have a positive attitude and demonstrates professionalism in the work environment
  • Exemplifies the mission, vision, and values of KGH
  • Establish a special connection with the patients and families.

  After these initial events four winners will be announced each quarter, two registered members of staff and two non-registered.

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