Kettering General Hospital Energy Centre

Artist impression

Our new Energy Centre is a vital part of our redevelopment of Kettering General Hospital. It replaces the temporary steam boilers and ageing electrical infrastructure that currently provide energy for the hospital, and is designed to service both our current hospital building and any future developments in a more sustainable way.

The project started in September 2024 with an estimated completion date of March 2027. To read more of our timeline.


Plant button
Provision of new electrical infrastructure with increased capacity to support the growing demand on the hospital and improve resilience



Graph buttonReduce the hospital’s reliance on fossil fuels through the introduction of renewable technologies: air source heat pumps and solar panels



Co2 buttonSignificant contribution to reaching the hospital’s net carbon emission target. The ‘Delivering a Net Zero NHS’ target aims to reach net zero by 2040, with an ambition to reach an 80% reduction by 2028 to 2032. The Energy Centre and district heating network proposals will alone achieve 41% of this Net Zero Carbon target

Handshake buttonWith a focus on social responsibility, this development will bring improvements and employment opportunities to our community.



Interesting facts

Our new energy centre will allow us to reduce carbon emissions by 2,160 tCO2 which is equivalent to taking approximately 1,500 cars off the road for a year.

The yearly hospital electricity consumption in 2040 is estimated at 12 GWh, which is equivalent to an approximate electricity consumption of Raunds town in North Northamptonshire with a population of 10,233.


Working in partnership with

 New hospital programme logo Integrated Health Project logo  HVSS Logo  AECOM Logo  ProCure logo