Adult Audiology Services

We provide hearing assessments for patients referred directly from their GP.  Under certain circumstances, you may be referred directly by the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) Department. If you want to have your hearing assessed, please contact your GP for a referral. 
Along with hearing assessment we also provide:
  • Tinnitus Rehabilitation
  • Hearing aid fittings
  • Repair appointments, for those who currently have an NHS hearing aid
  • Reassessment appointments, with the criteria of the last hearing test being completed over 4 years previously
Adult audiology services are provided at the Audiology department within Kettering General Hospital. We also provide some services at specified times at the following outreach clinics:
Important: Before attending any appointments within adult Audiology Services, it is advisable to see your GP/practice nurse to check your ears are clear of wax. We may not be able to proceed with your appointment if your ears are not clear.

Changes to Audiology Services during Coronavirus

To keep both our patients and staff safe, we have made changes to our hearing aid repair service.
If you require a hearing aid repair, please put your hearing aid(s) and your brown battery/record book into an envelope and drop this in the allocated box outside the Audiology Department at Kettering General Hospital,  Monday-Friday between  7:45am - 5:30pm. Please remember to include a contact telephone number. We aim to repair the hearing aid(s) within 3 working days.
We are seeing patients for booked appointments only. If you require an appointment, please contact us on 01536 492136.

Coming into hospital for your appointment

  • When attending the hospital for an appointment, you will be required to wear a face covering
  • We ask that you observe social distancing measures while in the hospital. You will note that the chairs in our waiting room have been set apart to adhere to these guidelines - please do not move the chairs
  • Please make use of the hand sanitising stations when entering the hospital and when moving around  the hospital
  • Please do not attend your appointment too early. Alternatively, if you arrive more than ten minutes late for your appointment, you may not be seen
  • If possible, please attend the appointment alone in order to minimise the number of visitors to the hospital
  • Please note your temperature will be taken by a member of staff before you are taken into your appointment. If you are experiencingany symptoms of coronavirus any please contact us to rearrange your appointment. If you are displaying symptoms of coronavirus when attending your appointment, you will not be seen.


Batteries and Tubing

All of our hearing aids require batteries. Batteries can be collected via the reception desk at:
If you require new tubing/wires or domes these can only be collected from Kettering General Hospital.
If you are unable to attend, someone else may collect these for you – please let them have your brown book so we can easily locate your hospital records. If you would like us to post you any consumables, please send a stamped addressed envelope to us*, along with your brown book, what you require and we will send these to you.
*Postal Address: Audiology Department, Kettering General Hospital, Rothwell Road, Kettering, NN16 8UZ.
During the first and second wave of the Coronavirus Pandemic we were posting batteries etc to patients. Since the rules have changed regarding coming into hospitals, we are no longer able to provide this service.
If you need help on how to retube your mould/attach wires please see the C2Hear videos


Face Masks and Hearing Aids

We understand that wearing face masks and hearing aids can be difficult and have noticed a high volume of lost hearing aids this year.  Please read the following tips for wearing facemasks with hearing aids:
  1. Try to find a mask that goes around the back of the head, rather than over the ears
  2. Sew 2 buttons on a ribbon or piece of material to wear on the back of your head. Attach the mask’s elastics to the buttons
  3. Sew 2 buttons onto a fabric headband above your ears and hook the mask’s elastics onto the buttons
  4. Attach a button onto each arm of your glasses and hook the mask’s elastics over the buttons
  5. Be mindful when removing your facemask and use both hands to do so, ensuring your hearing aid(s) remain in place.

Communication tactics

The following tips may help you communicate better with someone who has hearing difficulties:
  • Reduce the background noise as much as possible
  • Ensure there is good lighting for the listener to see your face
  • Make sure you have the listener’s attention before talking
  • Make sure you are looking at the listener
  • Do not cover your mouth and make sure your lips can be seen
  • Speak clearly but do not shout
  • Try not to talk from another room
  • Repeat sentences, rephrase, or use short sentences if need be
  • Be understanding and patient, do not give up or say things like “never mind” or “I’ll tell you later”
  • Do not stand too far away
  • Use visual cues, like gestures
  • Speak one at a time

Useful Links

For further support, guidance and information:
Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID): A UK charity aiming at campaigning, providing information and support, and conducting research for people with hearing loss and tinnitus.
British Tinnitus Association (BTA): An independent charity who provide support and information for people with tinnitus.
Deaf Hub CIC: Provides services within Northamptonshire to ensure the Deaf Community have the same opportunities that are available to their hearing peers. 
Connevans: A company specialising in products and equipment for people with hearing loss.
C2Hear: This videos have been developed by Nottingham University providing information about hearing loss, hearing aids and communication. 
Access to Work: A government scheme supporting people with disabilities by encouraging employers to make reasonable adjustments within the workplace.