Northants Cancer Services - Contact with NHS Staff

If you have completed a holistic needs assessment with your cancer nurse specialist you may be familiar with the concerns checklist. If you have any non urgent queries or concerns regarding contact or communication with NHS staff, simply click on the link and you will be redirected to the relevant service or information source. If you have any urgent concerns please contact your cancer nurse specialist in the first instance.

Macmillan Information and Support Service - Kettering General Hospital

Telephone: 01536 493888

Cancer Information Centre - Northampton General Hospital

The Cancer Information Centre is located at Northampton General Hospital on the ground floor of the oncology centre in Area N. Drop in anytime between Monday and Friday between 9:00am and 4:00pm (except bank holidays).
Telephone: 01604 544211

GP's Directory 

Directory of GP surgeries in Northamptonshire

Kettering General Hospital

Listening to our patients, carers and relatives helps us improve the services we provide. We are here to listen, so we can learn from your experience. It is also beneficial to receive feedback when things have gone well or not so well, so that we can build on good practice and continue to make improvements.
Telephone (Switchboard): 01536 492000 

Milton Keynes University Hospital

You may be asked to book an appointment if a PALS officer is not available. This can be arranged for a day and time that is convenient for you
Telephone (Switchboard): 01908 660033

Northampton General Hospital

As a patient, relative or carer sometimes you may need on-the-spot help, advice and support. We will listen to concerns and help you to find ways of resolving them. Patient Advice Liasion Service (PALS) can signpost to other organisations that may be able to help patients. This includes advocacy services, charity services, NHS England and other NHS Trusts.
If you are unhappy about the treatment that you or somebody you care for is receiving, it may help talking to somebody directly involved such as a nurse in charge, ward manager or Doctor who will make every attempt to resolve your concerns.
Telephone (Switchboard): 01604 634700