Breast One-stop Assessment Clinic

We would encourage you to contact your GP if you are experiencing any breast symptoms.
Your GP may then refer you, via NHS e-referral system, to our ‘One-stop’ breast assessment clinic. We aim to see every person within two weeks of being referred.  So that your mind can be put at rest and any concerns or anxieties you may have can be addressed as soon as possible.
It is natural to feel anxious if you’ve been referred to a breast clinic by your GP or if you’ve been recalled to the unit after having routine breast screening.  However, it’s still important to attend your breast clinic appointment so you can be fully assessed.
Your appointment will be held in the Breast Unit based in the Treatment Centre at Kettering General Hospital. 
We have a team of trained breast specialist doctors, nurses and radiographers and radiologists in our clinics who will assess your breast symptoms.

What will happen at my appointment:

We aim to complete these investigations in a single visit however this could take all morning or afternoon.
  • You will be asked some questions about your symptoms; any previous health problems, including breast surgery; medication you may take and your lifestyle.

  • You may require (according to need): one or more of the following: advice only, clinical examination (with a chaperone present throughout), mammogram (x ray of the breast), ultrasound scan, biopsy*.

*If you have a biopsy, this will take approximately one to two weeks to process. All biopsy results are discussed in our weekly multi-disciplinary team meeting (MDT). 
Most people will be given their result the same day and need no further visits. However, you may be given another appointment to come back.  If you are returning to the clinic for results we would recommend you bring a relative or friend with you.
Everyone is treated with the utmost respect and dignity and support given as we know that this can be a very anxious time.