Our maternity ward moved on Tuesday 27 August 2024
We moved our postnatal maternity beds to Sir Thomas Moore (STM) Ward, located in a building opposite Rockingham Wing.
The new ward area provides a better and brighter environment for our patients after birth, with smaller bays and ensuite bathrooms.
Moving these beds has enable us to complete propping of parts of the Rockingham Wing roof, which contains RAAC, and improve the environment of the building before reopening our maternity ward there later in the year.
The safety and experience of our patients and their babies are of paramount importance to us. Any moves to STM after birth will be fully supported by our Maternity team.
Antenatal patients will be looked after in Willow Ward on the ground floor of Rockingham Wing.
COVID Guidance
If you develop COVID during your pregnancy please notify your midwife as additional care planning may be required.
Please be assured that we will continue to support partners attending scans and births during this time.
If you have symptoms of COVID and are coming to hospital please inform the midwifery team prior to your arrival to ensure you are cared for appropriately.
If you are COVID positive during your stay you will be asked to wear a face mask other than when in active labour. Staff looking after you will also be wearing masks and other protective clothing.
COVID vaccine is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives. The coronavirus (COVID) vaccines available in the UK are the safest and most effective way to protect you and your baby. Please speak to your GP to book.
Patient Information Leaflets
Maternity leaflets related to COVID
Postnatal Care
Postnatal visit schedule following the birth of your baby
Postnatal care will be individualised according to you and your baby’s need - as a minimum:
- All mums will have telephone contacted by their Midwifery Team the day after discharge from hospital or the day after their birth at home. If required or requested a face to face visit will be arranged.
- All mum’s if at home will be contacted on day three by a Maternity Support worker or Infant feeding Midwife for infant feeding support
- All mum’s will have a face to face Midwife home visit on day five
- Discharge visit on or after day 10 will be either virtual or face to face.
Further home visits will be undertaken based on mum and baby’s individual needs
We are using Google Duo to call when possible.
How to register your baby’s birth
Your baby must be registered within 42 days of birth
To book an appointment to register your baby’s birth, or for additional information, please go to Northamptonshire County Council’s website:
www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/registration Or telephone 0300 126 1000
If you have a Market Harborough address, you can make an appointment using the telephone number above or you can call Market Harborough direct on 0116 3056565.
However if you choose to attend Market Harborough please be aware you will only be given declaration of birth and a birth certificate will follow approximately 7 days later.
If you are currently in the UK on a visa and you have paid the Health Surcharge then baby is exempt from NHS charges for the first 3 months from birth. You will need to either add baby to your current visa or ensure you have adequate private medical insurance to cover baby until your next application.
For more information go to: https://www.gov.uk/uk-family-visa
Kettering Registry Office
Kettering Library
Sheep Street Kettering NN16 0AY
Corby Registry Office
The Corby Cube Parkland Gateway
George St
NN17 1QG
Northampton Registration Office
Northampton Central Library
Abington Street Northampton NN1 2BA
Oundle Registry Office
Oundle Library
Glapthorn Road
Wellingborough Registry Office
Wellingborough Library
Pebble Lane Wellingborough NN8 1AS
Patient Information Leaflets
Useful Links
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG):
Safe Sleeping
Useful Leaflets
Useful Links
Infant Feeding
Patient Information Leaflets
If you would prefer this guidance in another language, the unicef website provides a selection of leaflets in a variety of different languages.