
KGH to hold a Dementia Awareness Open Day on Monday 13 May

Nadia Tobierre Dementia Nurse, promoting Dementia Awareness Open Day Monday 13 May

The aim of the day is to show local people the dementia support available at our hospital and how to access support from a range of local organisations.

Colleagues at Kettering General Hospital will be joined by local charities and support organisation to raise awareness of dementia support on offer both at our hospital and locally.

The Dementia Awareness Open Day is being held in the Recreation Hall at Kettering General Hospital between 11:00 – 15:00 on Monday, 13 May.

The event is aimed at the public and will provide a wide variety of information about dementia awareness, keeping safe and local support services.

Dementia Nurse, Nadia Tobierre has organised the day and said: “This day is about letting people know more about dementia and the services offered at the hospital and locally.

“We know having a diagnosis of dementia can be overwhelming. We want to help those impacted by this condition to understand what support we offer as a hospital and what’s on offer in our community. As well as letting people know how importantly we take this condition.”

Various KGH departments will be on hand to talk about their services and answer any questions. These will include:

  • Safeguarding
  • Patient Experience
  • Spiritual and Pastoral Care Service
  • Falls Team
  • Enhance Care Team
  • Palliative Care Team
  • Therapeutic Activity Co-ordinators
  • Therapy Team
  • Mental Capacity Act Information
  • KGH Library


“We wanted to invite a large range of local organisations and community groups to this event. There are lots of ways people need support when they’re diagnosed. The agencies invited will help to signpost people to the right place at the right time.”
Those organisations and community groups that will also attend include:


There is free car parking  on the day in Car Park B, which is situated at the main entrance to the hospital.  When leaving, visitors will need to press the intercom to be exited from the car park. 

Blue badge visitors can use Car Park A or  use in any marked or unmarked bays located across the hospital site. The badge needs to be clearly displayed for free parking.   

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