Here is an image of the management team with ward manager Leander English

Deene Acute Surgical Unit (DASU)

Deene Acute Surgical Unit (DASU) is an emergency surgical short stay (less than 72 hours) assessment unit for general surgery, urology and Ears Nose and Throat (ENT) emergencies. Referrals are taken from A&E, GP's and clinics.
The ward has an admissions avoidance (HOT) clinic led by a Registrar. You may be asked to sit in the day room while paperwork and investigations are being undertaken. This can include blood tests and scans. Patients will be nil by mouth until otherwise stated.

Whats happens when I visit DASU

If you are referred to DASU by the A&E department you will be assessed by a Senior House Officer.
If you have been referred to DASU by a GP or from another clinic you will be assessed by either a House Officer or an Emergency Surgical Nurse Practitioner.
All patients will also be reviewed by a Registrar and then a Consultant.

Your Hospital Stay

If you are admitted to hospital as an inpatient – either for a planned procedure or in an unplanned or emergency situation – you may find this additional information about your hospital stay useful. Our staff are always happy to help, if you have any questions please ask.