Antenatal Care

Our maternity ward moved on Tuesday 27 August 2024

Sir Thomas Moore WardWe moved our postnatal maternity beds to Sir Thomas Moore (STM) Ward, located in a building opposite Rockingham Wing.

The new ward area provides a better and brighter environment for our patients after birth, with smaller bays and ensuite bathrooms.

Moving these beds has enable us to complete propping of parts of the Rockingham Wing roof, which contains RAAC, and improve the environment of the building before reopening our maternity ward there later in the year.

The safety and experience of our patients and their babies are of paramount importance to us. Any moves to STM after birth will be fully supported by our Maternity team.

Antenatal patients will be looked after in Willow Ward on the ground floor of Rockingham Wing.

COVID Guidance

If you develop COVID during your pregnancy please notify your midwife as additional care planning may be required.
Please be assured that we will continue to support partners attending scans and births during this time.
If you have symptoms of COVID and are coming to hospital please inform the midwifery team prior to your arrival to ensure you are cared for appropriately.
If you are COVID positive during your stay you will be asked to wear a face mask other than when in active labour. Staff looking after you will also be wearing masks and other protective clothing.
COVID vaccine is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives. The coronavirus (COVID) vaccines available in the UK are the safest and most effective way to protect you and your baby. Please speak to your GP to book.

Patient Information Leaflets

Antenatal visit schedule

6-8 weeks - Face to Face booking appointment with your midwife. A full medical and obstetric history will be taken along with height, weight and BMI, urine screening and blood tests for antenatal screening purposes.
10-12 weeks - First scan at Rockingham wing
14  weeks - This will be a pre-arranged telephone call to offer advice and discuss the results from your booking appointment
24 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
28 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment / Growth scan if indicated
31 - 32 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment / Growth scan if indicated for all women in their 1st pregnancy and those who are deemed high risk in their subsequent pregnancies
34 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment 36 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment / Growth scan if indicated
38 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
39 weeks - Growth scan if indicated
40 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
41 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
In addition to those above, you may have additional appointments with certain specialities based on your individual circumstances.
If you have any concerns outside of these appointments please call the maternity helpline 01536 492848.

Antenatal Physiotherapy

The following resources can help you understand how to reduce the strain of pregnancy on your body and also help prepare you for your forthcoming labour.

Fit for Pregnancy’: exercises and advice to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy.
Fit for Birth’: essential exercises and advice to help you prepare and cope with your labour.


Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)

Pregnancy related PGP is common affecting about 1 in 5 pregnant women. The causes may be multifactorial and there is a wide range of symptoms. Pain distribution varies between individuals but can be felt in the lumbosacral area, the front or back of the pelvis, the hips, the groin, the pelvic floor or upper thigh regions. The following resources provide information on how to help you manage your PGP.


If you are experiencing on-going difficulties due to PGP which you are unable to manage with the self-help information provided, please see your GP for further assessment, referral to physiotherapy services may be appropriate. 

Patient Information Leaflets


Useful Links

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG):
Other useful links:
Tommys - We Provide Pregnancy Information & Research
Kickscount - The UK's leading baby movement awareness campaign
Iconcope - Babies cry, you can cope
Lullaby Trust - The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support