Annual Staff Survey

In October/November of each year the Trust takes part in the NHS Staff Survey. Staff employed by Kettering General Hospital (KGH) NHS Foundation Trust are asked to fill in a questionnaire. The survey asks for their views about their job and about working for KGH. The survey is an important way of ensuring that the views of our staff working in the NHS inform local improvements and support national assessments of quality and safety, and delivery of the NHS Constitution. The aim of the survey is to gather information that will help us to improve the working lives of our staff, and so provide better care for patients. It also helps with organisational development planning and our health and wellbeing agendas.
Questionnaires are returned to an external survey contractor who administers the survey. The survey findings are reported in a summary report, in which individuals cannot be identified  and no one from KGH will be able to see individual responses. The outcomes will be made public early the following year, usually around February; results and are benchmarked against those from all organisations in England. To see this year’s results search for Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.