Our Approach to Quality

At KGH we are constantly seeking to improve the quality of our services.
We do this by:
  • Keeping up to date with best practice
  • Working closely with other service providers to ensure we learn from each other
  • Listening to our patients, their family and friends
  • Meeting established standards of care and responding to issues or concerns raised by our regulators such as the Care Quality Commission and NHS Improvement
  • Recognising where things have not gone well and working hard to avoid recurrences
  • Information sharing across our teams when things have gone well
We expect every single of member of staff to work hard to deliver a quality service and to individually demonstrate each of our values.
We support our staff to deliver a quality service through staff induction and on going training, regular supervision and appraisal and local management arrangements such as team or Divisional meetings and specialist input and support (for example the Infection Prevention and Control team, Safeguarding team and Dementia care support ).
In April 2018 we launched our Quality Strategy and Quality Improvement Programme.
Our Quality Strategy describes how we will improve the quality of our services through our commitment to six Quality Pledges:
  1. Putting patients first
  2. Reduce avoidable harm and mortality
  3. Develop a culture of continuous improvement and safety
  4. Sustain organisational learning
  5. Develop and embed real time quality data
  6. Consolidate risk management
Each service area has developed their own quality improvement plans in which they describe the areas that they will focus on to address issues raised by the CQC in their previous inspection and deliver our Quality Pledges.
The delivery of these plans is monitored by the Quality and Safety Committee so that we can all be assured that progress is being made and quality improved.
We produce a monthly summary of improvements made and these are published on posters displayed in some of our public areas.
To support our quality strategy we have developed a Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Strategy – this focuses on Continuous Professional Development, Continuous Cultural Improvement in line with the Trust’s Values and Behaviours, Continuous Quality Improvement all of which are to be supported by a Continuously Evolving Workforce fit for the future delivery of healthcare. It also sets out how we will monitor and report on progress.