Continuous Quality Improvement

How we are supporting staff to implement their own improvement ideas

We are developing a supportive environment where staff fully understand and can confidently engage with improvements and change so we deliver the best care for our patients.
Our patient-first Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) strategy is supported by the KGH Improvement Innovation Transformation and clinical Effectiveness (KIITE) team. It encourages improvements at all levels from board to ward focussing on key priorities.
Although we have a dedicated team we must remember, CQI is everyone’s business.  We believe all improvement ideas have something to add, including  – local changes on the ward and in departments, or larger scale, cross-site programmes. So far, we have more than 300 CQI schemes, either completed, under way or under consideration. We encourage you all to register your improvement ideas with the KIITE team.
We know that sharing the experiences of our improvement journey spreads learning and creates a culture where staff can adapt each other’s improvement ideas.
We have established sharing and learning platforms for all our staff including:
  • Yokoten sessions – an organisation-wide platform for staff to share and celebrate their improvement projects no matter how big or small
  • JT0 – Journey to Outstanding forums for all services to spotlight key-achievements, risks and mitigations
  • Ward accreditations and team huddles.
We are training a growing number of staff to use the QSIR (Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign) framework to promote a culture of continuous improvements in our care, financial and operational performance. To help you with your improvement ideas we are offering QSIR training to all our staff.
Four levels of training are available:
  • Bronze is appropriate for all staff and introduces the terminology of quality improvement and the tools available to support staff
  • Silver is ideal for clinical colleagues who need a comprehensive overview, including the tools and approaches available to achieve sustainable changes
  • Gold (practitioner) level is for staff who wish to lead and deliver service improvements
  • Platinum (associate) level is designed for staff who want to help build lasting improvements in the NHS and deliver QSIR training within their own organisations.
Unfortunately, face-to-face training of further QSIR practitioners had to be suspended earlier this year due to Covid-19. However, we are proud to say that as part of our commitment to Quality Improvement we became the first hospital in the country to offer online training.
We are leading development of a countywide QSIR faculty working with patients, commissioners, primary care, other NHS trusts and social care creating a common understanding and stressing the importance of CQI.
Quote - if all of us engage in CQI together we will achieve excellence in our quality financial and operational performance