Coronary Care Unit and Oakley Ward

Photostrip of images taken in Coronary Care Unit and Oakley Ward

Coronary Care Unit and Oakley Ward are 2 two separate wards, managed as one team. 

Coronary Care Unit

The Coronary Care Unit (CCU) looks after patients who need a higher level of care than normal after acute heart-related illnesses, such as a heart attack. 
CCU consists of 3 Bays, 12 monitored beds. Each bay has a designated bathroom and washing facilities adjacent to the bay.
It provides an environment for close observation and, due to the critical nature of these conditions, patients may be cared for in a mixed sex bay until their condition allows transfer into a single side room in Oakley Ward.

Oakley Ward

Oakley Ward is a step down of the Coronary Care. It has 14 side rooms plus 2 monitored High Dependency beds.

Services provided by Coronary Care Unit and Oakley Ward

Every opportunity will be made to maintain your right to privacy and dignity. If you have any concerns please speak to the nurse in charge.
The unit is a high care environment with a higher ratio of nurses to patients than on a general ward. There is monitoring equipment above each bed. This is normal for this kind of unit and enables nursing staff to constantly monitor heart rhythms and other important signs, such as blood pressure and oxygen levels. Information is sent to a central monitor so staff can still see this even when not at the bedside. There are alarms on the equipment that may sound from time to time ‑ they do not always indicate a problem so try not to worry.
We try to encourage our patients to spend time out of bed during the day wearing day clothes where possible and safe to do so. Please also bring a supply of toiletries – although a small selection is available from the hospital shop. Please do not bring valuables and large amounts of money into hospital with you as the Trust cannot accept responsibility if these personal items get lost or damaged.

Your Care

Patients are usually admitted here because they have suffered the following:
  • Suspected Heart Attack
  • Angina
  • Slow/Fast Heart Rhythms
  • Other Cardiac Conditions.
Coronary Care is a mixed sex unit and Oakley Ward has side rooms. Throughout your stay, please be aware that you may have to be moved, as sometimes it is necessary to transfer you to a medical ward.
Most patients will spend between 2 and 5 days in hospital.  The nursing staff will discuss the discharge date with you. On the day of discharge, you may be transferred to the Discharge Lounge.
Patients are seen by a Cardiologist during their stay and the staff will be glad to provide relatives with up to date information when they visit. 
Unfortunately, we are not able to give much information over the telephone.  We suggest that one person makes the call and then contacts anyone else who is concerned about you.
  • CCU Staff: ratio – one nurse to three patients, 4 nurses per shift. 2 health care assistants.
  • Oakley Ward Staff: ratio: one nurse to 5-6 patients, 3 nurses per shift 2 health care assistants.
  • Ward rounds: starts at 09:00. You will be given a named nurse at the start of every shift, which run from 07:00 - 19:00 and 19:00 - 07:30. 


Our Team


Dr Simon Hetherington
Dr Naeem Shaukat
Dr Javed Ehtisham
Dr Mohsin Farooq
Dr Kai  Hogrefe
Dr Salman  Nishtar
Dr Rachana Prasad
Dr Prashanth Raju
Dr Daniel Swarbrick
Dr  Mohamed Alama
Dr Nasir Ahmad

Specialist Nurses

Practice Development Nurse: Caroline Yarnel-Smith
Cardiac Outreach Lead Nurse: Karen Roberts
Heart Failure Specialist Nurse: Kathy Simmons
Cardiac Rehab Specialist Nurse: Chika Obiechefu

Information For Visitors

Family and friends can bring clothing/toiletries for there loved one - this helps them not to feel 'hospitalised', it helps with their mood and it is more dignified for them.
Please inform the nurse in charge or the nurse looking after your loved one if you intend to bring in meals. However, please be aware that these can’t be reheated in the ward.
Any concerns about hospitalisation and other things related to stay, please speak to the nurse looking after your relative and this will be addressed as soon as possible.